12x10A APS Distros now available in rental stock from resX’s Melbourne & Sydney locations.
These 12 channel three phase Advanced Power System Distros have a suite of on-board monitoring and control features to provide the highest level of safety and protection to the equipment they power. The APS monitors input voltage and current per phase and will only enable the energising of circuits when the incoming power is within user defined limits. The staggered start up sequence switches on channels one by one to avoid excessive surge current on the power supply, when multiple racks are connected this sequence extends across all connected channels. The APS racks can be set to respond to DMX either switching channels on and off as a relay in response to a DMX command or by triggering the start up or shut down sequence when valid DMX signal is detected. This can also be controlled remotely via RDM or a GPI contact closure.
An on-board touch screen display allows for user setting of minimum and maximum current and voltage limits per phase, timing increments for the cascading start-up of channels, DMX addressing as well as live visuals of the voltage and current per phase, input frequency, output channel status, DMX and GPI triggers.
To minimise nuisance tripping from switch mode power supplies on start up the APS only switches on its relays at the point in the AC cycle where the mains voltage passes through zero in its sine wave. The smart switching effectively gives each channel a soft start so they are equipped with a 10A C Curve combination 30mA MCB / RCD (RCBO) and can be used in applications which would normally require a 16A or D Curve breaker. The Individual RCBOs have neutral disconnect to provide the highest level of safety.
ResX have cased their first batch of APS distro as single 12 channel units for maximum flexibility. And they’re already on their way to spend a month touring around the country powering the Entech Roadshow.
For further information please contact hire@resolutionx.com.au.