With the down-time that’s come with the social isolation laws, we’ve compiled a list of free training resources to keep you busy and keep your mind fresh! We’ve collated the training resources from all of our major suppliers into one handy place, with more to be added soon!
grandMA2 + grandMA3
You can access the MA University to train up on the grandMA2 & grandMA3 consoles through some great video resources. You need to register before you can access the platform though – register on the Show Technology website at https://www.showtech.com.au/training/. Once you’ve been approved, jump on the MA University page – https://elearning.malighting.com/.
The free onPC version for both MA2 & MA3 the software can be downloaded at https://www.malighting.com/downloads/.
ETC EOS Consoles (Ion & Gio)
ETC has opened up their video training system, The Learning Stage, to everyone free of charge. The Learning Stage is accessible through a MyETC account, which is quick and easy to register. Once logged in you’ll need to browse their “Learning Catalog” and ‘purchase’ their training to add it to your courses, however all applicable courses are $0.00. Just register yourself at https://www.etcconnect.com/login.aspx to get started!
You can download the Nomad version of the EOS software, for both Mac & PC, at https://www.etcconnect.com/Search-Documentation.aspx?DocType=138. Just search Type – Offline Software, Product Line – Consoles and Product – Eos.
Chamsys QuickQ
Upskill in our latest range of consoles – the Chamsys QuickQ. Chamsys have outdone themselves with their training videos, all available for free on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6ifvrHDlqMFU3IQwRwSD94Y5AqSycmRz.
The QuickQ software is available on the Chamsys website for free download – https://chamsyslighting.com/products/quickq?variant=7841704738852
The Harman Professional University is free to register for, and has quite a few videos for all Harman products, Martin included. The Martin training videos are more tailored towards learning the ins & outs of each product, however there’s also some great design videos available that are well worth the watch. Jump online to register at https://traininglogin.harmanpro.com/signup/brand.aspx?brand=hpro.
Martin are also offering scheduled live training courses, available at https://www.martin.com/martin-learning-sessions. These are all scheduled overnight, so if you’re up late or starting very early, they’re perfect for you!
Hog 4
Jump on to YouTube to check out the High End Systems Hog 4 training videos, which are great to learn the ins & outs of the latest Hog systems – https://www.youtube.com/user/highendsystemsinc/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=1.
The Hog 4 PC software is also available for download on their website – https://www.highend.com/products/consoles
Vectorworks are offering their Hidden Treasures training package, normally $79, for free for a limited time. Register on their Eventbrite page here – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vectorworks-hidden-treasures-seminar-free-for-a-limited-time-tickets-102446606558
They’ve also got a heap of training resources on their courses page here – https://university.vectorworks.net/course/
Pandoras Box
If you’re in to pixel mapping and want to learn the power of the Coolux Pandoras Box, Coolux have some great video tutorials available on their website. Unfortunately there’s no offline software available to use for free, but it’s still a great starting point if you want to delve deeper into some of the different pixel mapping software that’s out there.